Saturday, March 15, 2008


Oberlin finally got around to doing the various things I need them to do before I arrive. I now have a shiny new Certificate of Eligibility which will allow me to get my VISA, and I know the name, address, and email for my homestay family. No kids, no pets, no smoking. I've sent an olive-branch-extending email to them in something resembling grammatical Japanese. Hopefully my intent will get across.

I asked my friend who lives in Hokkaido to interpret the address I'll be living at. Apparently I'm pretty far out there, 45 minutes by train from downtown Tokyo. What I'm near, though, is the Oberlin campus. Also, Costco (yeah, they have it in Japan. Who knew?).

17 days until departure.

1 comment:

Rowan said...

Costco? Oh Hells yeah! You'll have to tell me if they serve hot dogs and churros in the food court like the do here, or whether it's some crazy Japanese-twisted menu. And if it's still good, tell us that too!
With all the big shiny fancy-shmancy HD flat-screens and digital cameras I always see in the electronics department over here, I can only dimly imagine what they're displaying for purchase over there...
Bring the technology here! (I want a nice camera. Wink wink.)