Saturday, May 24, 2008


Sorry for the delays! I have no excuse, really, I just keep forgetting.

Anyways, my last big Japan Event was going to Shinjuku last weekend. Shinjuku is deep in the heart of downtown Tokyo, filled with large buildings and things that look cool. Here are some of them!

Here's a planty thing that was outside the station!

The following pictures were all taken in one spot! I'd collage them together but I'm too lazy.

Now, my primary destination here is a building that acts as both City Hall and a Badass Observatory from which you can see all of Tokyo.

This is the building that I thought was it, but was totally wrong. I had lunch there.

This is a building that looks interesting but is clearly under construction. My host parents didn't know anything about it.

Aha! Here it is.

The plaza/park thing near it is awesome.

Japan has the best trees ever. Seriously. They're just so green.

Plaza under the building! It's pretty snazzy. Kind of italian.

It even has statues that are not at all Japanesey.

Anyone know who these two are? Can't be Adam and Eve because they have clothes. Something about the apple of Eris, maybe?

And then I went into the building, and I saw Tokyo!

And... it's really big.

Like, huge.

It just keeps going. In every direction.

Some sort of free market thing goin' on down there.

God, it's so big.

I'm just gonna start letting the pictures speak for themselves.

OKAY Back on the ground now.
Other things that exist in Shinjuku:

Astrological clock that I can't read!

Hilariously overblown sign for a karaoke joint!

Really busy shopping district!

Oh man. I saw this in a row of movie posters. I didn't know what it was, but I decided immediately that it didn't matter - I was going to assume for my own entertainment that it was a Japanese heavy-metal rock opera rendition of Shakespeare's Macbeth.

The best part? I was right.

Anyways, the next quality bit was Shinjuku Gyoen, a giant Japanese style garden. It took be a healthy amount of time, but I did manage to go all the way around it. Here are pictures:

OKAY I'm spent. More later; I'm going to Akihabara in about an hour.

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